FFN 003: Building Your Confidence

Welcome to your Friday Field Notes - a short episode delivered each week designed to help you think critically about what it means to be a man.

My goal is to help you become a better leader in your family, your business, and your community.

If you're interested in getting involved in more discussions like this and want to take charge of your life, I encouage you to check out our elite mastermind, The Iron Council.

This week, I talk about how you can build more confidence in your life. You can listen in or read the transcript below.

Transcript, Building Your Confidence

Men, what is going on today! Welcome to the third episode of your Friday Field Notes!

It’s been a crazy week around here. We released the interview I had with Jocko on Tuesday and things have been blowing up since. I’ve received a ton of feedback from you expressing your appreciation for the interview and the conversation Jocko and I had.

If you haven’t checked it out yet, go back after you listen to this show and download that one. It is the single most download episode to date and I promise you won’t be disappointed!

Alright, let’s get into the chat today. As you know, we’re not about the fluff and the frills here. We’re about jumping right into this and having the serious conversations you want have. And, the ones that will help you become the man you’re working to become – a better father, a better husband, a better business owner, a better leader, a better man!

So, with that said, I want to talk with you today about confidence. It is absolutely something each and every one of us needs to develop more fully in our lives.

Without confidence, we WILL NOT live up to our full potential. And, the reason that we won’t live up to our full potential is because, without confidence, we will not do the things done - to the measure they need to be done - to have success in our lives.

I get emails and messages every single week from men across the planet asking this very question: “How do I build more confidence?” Confidence with the ladies, confidence in their work, confidence with themselves, just more confidence.

I’ve come to the conclusion that the majority of the men who are asking about confidence are ACTUALLY asking about something else entirely.

You see, a lot of guys will suggest they want the confidence, for example, to approach a woman they find attractive. That, my friends, is not confidence. That is COURAGE. That’s it – it’s courage.

It takes courage to approach that woman. Of course, you as a human being are thinking about all the things that could go wrong – she could reject you, you could say something stupid, you could trip and fall on your face, you might have a booger hanging out of your nose. That’s real, I get that.

And, in order to overcome that, you will need some level of courage. They ability to look at something you’re afraid of and do it anyways. Courage!

So, how do you build more confidence? Action guys. A-C-T-I-O-N, action!

“Well I don’t have the confidence to take action,” someone will invariably tell me.

Who cares, you don’t need it! You don’t need confidence to take action. You need courage. Of course you don’t have any confidence! You haven’t done it yet and therefore you don’t have the confidence that only comes from DOING!

Whether that’s approaching the woman like I talked about or going to the gym after sitting on your couch for the last 5 years, or re-engaging with your wife after a decade of growing apart, walking into your boss’ office and asking for that raise you think you deserve.

The only way to build confidence is to remove the uncertainty of whether or not you can do it. And, the only way to remove the uncertainty is to ACTUALLY do the thing you’re afraid to do.

That’s why I say it’s all about the courage brothers! It’s been said that courage is not the absence of fear but the ability to take action despite it.

Now, here’s the cool thing about this confidence/courage/action conundrum we’re talking about here: it’s a cycle. One right decision leads to another which leads to another which leads to another.

So, for example, you’re ready to ask for a raise. You feel fear, of course.

“How’s this going to go down?”

“Is my boss going to fire me?”

“Am I going to look like an idiot?”

Right, all those things you tell yourself.

But you decide that you really think you deserve a raise. You get tough for a minute, call upon some of that mental fortitude (this is the courage part) that all of us have to some degree and you march into your boss’ office (that’s the taking action part).

After some talking, some negotiation, some gnashing of teeth, some resolve, your boss says, “okay.”

BOOM – confidence! But it only comes after you display courage and take action.

Now, because you displayed courage and because you took action, you built more confidence.

So the next time you’re faced with something difficult, for example having a tough conversation with a subordinate at work, you are now more confident in your ability to have tough conversations.

And, because you’re more confident in your ability to have tough conversations, the fear that would have gripped the “old you” is not quite as noticeable. And, because the fear that would have gripped the “old you” is not quite as noticeable you are more capable of taking decisive action. And because you’re more capable of taking decisive action, you have that tough conversation with your subordinate and BOOM – even more confidence!

This is how it’s done men! Courage leads action, action leads to confidence, confidence leads to more courage and the cycle continues.

Like so many things in life, my friends, the result is in the doing!

So, I’m going to challenge you today. I’m challenging you to do something that you’ve been afraid of. I know we like to pretend we’re not afraid because we’re MEN, but think about this for a minute. What have you been afraid of doing for the last week, month, or even YEAR.

Ask a certain somebody on a date, tell your wife you love her, ask for a raise, hit the gym? GO DO IT.

And, once you’ve done it, reach out to me and let me know if that courage you displayed didn’t lead you to more action, and didn’t help you build more confidence. You can email me at ryan@orderofman.com with your story.

Alright men, that is your Friday Field Notes. Make sure to catch our full show released every Tuesday morning including our interview on Tuesday of this week with Navy SEAL Jocko Willink.

Be courageous, take action, build confidence, and become the man you were meant to be!

FFN 002: Protect, Provide, Preside

Welcome to your Friday Field Notes - a short episode delivered each week designed to help you think critically about what it means to be a man.

My goal is to help you become a better leader in your family, your business, and your community.

If you're interested in getting involved in more discussions like this and want to take charge of your life, I encouage you to check out our elite mastermind, The Iron Council.

This week, I talk about what it means to be a man: Protect, Provide, and Preside. You can listen in or read the transcript below.

Transcript, Protect, Provide, Preside

Men, welcome back to your Friday Field Notes. This is only the second week we’ve done this but I received some great feedback last week on our first Friday Field Notes show.

My job on this show is to make you think. The last thing I want is for you to follow me or anyone else blindly. I think a real man is someone who can think for himself, discern what information to implement, and then take action on those decisions.

Now, with that said, and since this is a short show every Friday, let’s just hop into this.

I’ve had a lot of people ask me what it means to be a man and what separates men from women. There’s the obvious but I’m not going to get into that today – you can figure that one out for yourself.

What I want to talk about today is the way in which we go about our lives. In this case, I want to talk about the responsibilities of men. And, these responsibilities go back thousands and thousands of years.

It hasn’t changed. I don’t anticipate it will change anytime soon. They way in which we approach our responsibility may have changed but not the underlying duties themselves.

Now, the reason I want to talk about this is because I see more men every single day shirking their responsibilities as men. There are a ton of guys out there absolutely doing what they need to do as men and there are guys out there who are doing the exact opposite of what they should be doing.

So, with that said, what is it that a man needs to be doing? A man’s primary responsibilities are to protect, provide, and preside.

So, I want to break each one of these down briefly for you because your ability to understand what I’m talking about and carry out these responsibilities is your ultimate measure as a man.

First, protect. This is the reason we’re built the way we’re built. Generally speaking, men are bigger and stronger than women – for a reason. Our job is to protect our loved ones.

When shit really hits the fan, people look to the man. When an intruder breaks into your house, your wife tells you to go check it out, when there’s a spider running around the house, it’s your job to kill it.

This is your job fellas. Can you handle it? Can you defend yourself? Are you physically fit? Are you trained with a weapon? Can you think rationally about an emergency situation? Can you keep cool and collected when everything else is chaos all around you.

If not, I question your ability to lead as a man. If you have some room to grow in this area, great – do it! This is what you’re supposed to do. Now I hear a lot of people that will say, all men aren’t warriors. That’s true. And, you don’t have to be a warrior to protect everything you care about. I’m not asking you to conquer nations – I’m telling you that you need to be able to protect your domain. You don’t have to be a warrior to do that put you do need to get proficient at some skills.

Next, provide. Again, spanning back thousands of years, man’s primary responsibility was to provide. Thousands of years ago it may have been a fresh kill, a cave to dwell in, and a big enough leave to cover ourselves and today, it’s very much the same – food on the table, a place to live, clothes on our back.

If you’re not providing those things for yourself and your loved ones, is there really a reason to have you around.

Now, I know more and more women are entering the workforce and to that I say, great. I have no problem with that. And, if you’re in a relationship where the wife goes out and works and you stay at home, great.

Because, this concept of providing goes well beyond physical contributions too. Are you providing mental and emotional support to your family? After all guys, you are the rock, the foundation in which your family can build upon.

Next, preside. I’m talking about leadership here. It is your job and it always has been to lead your family, your business, your community.

Again, I think I might have some hate on this one because women will tell me they can lead to. Yes, that’s true! You can lead. And, quite effectively. There are women who I have been led by who were completely capable of handling the task.

But, a woman is not expected to the same way a man is. That’s what I’m talking about here. That typically speaking, you as a man, are going to be looked upon as a leader. How are we going to raise our family? What direction is the business going? What is best for the community as a whole.

Your ability to lead effectively will spell the difference between success and failure in your family, business, and community. If you want a great resource for this, go read Extreme Ownership by Jocko Willink and Leif Babin. In fact, I will be releasing my podcast interview with Jocko Willink Tuesday of next week.

Again, I want to be clear here. Women have the ability to do all the things I talked about. But, at the end of the day, you as man are the one who is expected to bring home the bacon, you are the one who is expected to keep everyone safe, you are the one who is expected to lead people to the promised land.

Maybe you have the ability to do all that. Maybe you don’t. Either way, all of us men could step up to task a little bit better.

That’s what the world needs from us. Protect, Provide, Preside

If you guys want to learn more about how to do this, head to orderofman.com/fieldnotes and dig around on the site a bit. You can learn about who we are at Order of Man, what we do, and while you’re there, consider joining our elite mastermind, The Iron Council. There we talk about all this stuff and a ton more.

Remember to tune in next week for my conversation with one of the baddest men on the planet, Retired Navy SEAL Commander of Task Unit Bruisser, Bronze and Silver Star Recipient, and New York Times Best Selling Author of Extreme Ownership.

Catch you next week guys but until then, remember, it’s your job to Protect, Provide, and Preside.

The Definitive Guide to Podcasts for Men

It's no coincidence that the world's most successful men happen to be the most educated. I'm not necessarily suggesting that they know the most about everything but they certainly have learned a set of unique skills in a particular trade or craft that has allowed them to create a profitable and fulfilling life.

I believe the concept of continual education is so crucial to your success as a man that I have dedicated 1 of our 8 key skills sets to the idea of a lifetime of learning.

The information and education necessary to succeed was once reserved for only the wealthiest of men. Times have changed.

Reach into your pocket and pull out your phone. That little device is a window to more information that men even 100 years ago could not learn in their entire time on this planet. And, all you have to do is click a couple of buttons.

It's no longer a matter of IF the education is available. It's a matter of WILL you tap into it and HOW will you do it.

Sure, you could drive down to your local library and pick up a book, sit in the classroom of your college for hours on end, or attempt to acquire a personal mentor. While those sources of education have merit, many of us find it difficult to balance the hats we currently wear (fathers, husbands, business owners, charitable causes, coaches, spiritual leaders, etc).

Adding just one more hat (student) to the list seems like a daunting and overwhelming task.

Enter the world of Podcasting.

For those of us who have already tapped into this incredible tool of insight, information, and education, we already know the value it brings.

For those of you who have not, you'll soon see the power available at your fingertips. Think commercial free, on-demand radio on any topic you choose, from business and health to movie recaps and underwater basket-weaving, and just about any topic in between.

As beautiful as that may sound, if you're a newbie to the podcasting world, you may not have even heard of a podcast until now and you may not know where to start.

Here are 3 simple steps to unlocking unlimited sources of information--all in the palm of your hand:

Step 1: Download a Platform (skip this step if you already have iTunes or Stitcher Radio)

In order to access the wealth of information available through the power of podcasting, you'll have to download a platform to listen in. Apple and Android have made this extremely convenient through applications (apps) you can download to your mobile or desktop device.

Apple Devices

If you use an Apple device, the podcasting app comes pre-installed. You'll find it by clicking on the icon that looks like the one below on your iPhone or iPad.







Android Devices

If you have an Android device and would like to listen to your podcasts on your or phone, you'll need to download Stitcher Radio which you can by clicking on the image below:

Stitcher Radio

Macs and PCs

In order to listen to podcasts on your computer, you'll need to download iTunes to your computer (pre-installed on Macs). You can do that by clicking on the icon below:


Step 2: Search for Content

Both iTunes and Stitcher Radio are considered search engines. In fact, iTunes is one of the largest search engines in the world.

Again, you will have unlimited information in the palm of your hand. The challenge you may run into is where to start. You literally have thousands of podcast to choose from. And, with that many choices, it's easy to get into "paralysis by analysis," get frustrated, and give up.

It's a lot like having access to 1000 TV stations. You really end up only using a handful of them.

So, which podcasts do you tune into? That's up to you. But, below, you'll find some of the best podcasts in the world for men's interests including finance, fitness and nutrition, self-development, leadership, educational, and entertainment.

You don't have to download them all. Pick and choose what appeals to you but this will get you started on your podcasting journey.

Men's Interest Podcasts

Order of Man

Okay, so maybe I'm a bit biased to include my own podcast on this list. But, if I didn't think my podcast, Order of Man, was among the best sources of information for men, would I really be doing it?

My goal is to help motivated and ambitious men become better in every area of their lives. We have weekly conversations with the best men the world has to offer covering 8 Key Skill Sets Every Man Must Master: Fitness, Intellect, Leadership, Manly Know-How, Relationships, Self-Mastery, Style, and Wealth.

Listen to the Order of Man Podcast here!

Jocko Podcast

Jocko Willink: Retired Navy SEAL, New York Times Best-Selling Author, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Expert

Need I say more?

In his new podcast, Jocko Willink and Echo Charles team up to share their insights on discipline, leadership, business, relationships and more.

Combined with his military experience, including Commander of SEAL Team Three’s Task Unit Bruiser in Ramadi (same region I served in 2005-2006) and his passion for helping men eliminate excuses and step up as leaders, this podcast is sure to fire you up and help you take ownership of your life.

It's jam-packed with insightful commentary on past and current global conflicts, manly virtues, and book reviews. Subscribe to it now and read his New York Times Best-Selling Book, Extreme Ownership.

Listen to The Jocko Podcast here!

art-of-manlinessIf you aren't familiar with The Art of Manliness podcast and you're a man, I only have one question for you. Where have you been?

The Art of Manliness podcast features discussions on topics and issues important to men.

In addition to the traditional podcast guests, Brett McKay features many best-selling authors on the topics of manly skills, military history, and practical wisdom.

You can also check out my interview with Brett McKay on "Perfecting the Art of Manliness."

Listen to The Art of Manliness Podcast here!

Keep Hammering

If you're not listening to Keep Hammering, and following Cameron Hanes, you should be. This guy is the ultimate pillar of dedication and discipline.

He's got some great podcasts including several interviews with Joe Rogan (who I highlight later in this article).

And, if that's not enough for you to tune in check out his show description: "I am a bowhunting athlete, training intensively each and every day to become the Ultimate Predator." - Cameron Hanes

Listen to Keep Hammering Here!

Knowledge for Men

It's no surprise that the world's most successful men happen to be the most knowledgeable.

Enter Knowledge for Men where the world's most successful leaders share their incredible stories and life lessons to help you get the life you want in the areas of health, wealth, relationships and personal growth.

You'll walk away with a ton of actionable tips and insights designed to propel you forward and help you become the man you want to become.

Listen to Knowledge for Men here!

Legendary Life

Ted Ryce with Legendary Life is a Personal Trainer, Entrepreneur, Motivational Speaker and Wellness Coach and he's worked with celebrities like Richard Branson and Robert Downey Jr.

So, when a man like this--someone with real experience--decides to host a podcast, you listen.

Topics covered in the Legendary Life Podcast include strength training, nutrition, hormones, public speaking, confidence, networking, dating and relationships, sex and more.

Listen to Legendary Life Here!

Self Made Man

Founded by the extremely successful serial entrepreneur, Mike Dillard, Self Made Man is a show designed for men who want to achieve greatness, leave their mark on the world, and create a legacy of honor, integrity, and achievement in every aspect of their lives.

The Self Made Man Podcast is just getting started but they have managed to bring on an incredible lineup of guests who can help you build a life of excellence in business, relationships, health, finance, and legacy.

Listen to the Self Made Man Podcast here!


Team Never Quit

Team Never Quit is hosted by two Navy SEALs, Marcus Luttrell David Rutherford, who’ve known each other for years and shares their amazing life experiences in a humorous, heartfelt and entertaining way. These two Frogmen have been motivating millions of people around the world with their unique styles of motivational speaking, writing and coaching.

Marcus and David are committed to their mission of helping people face their greatest challenges in order to learn the Never Quit mindset.

Listen to Team Never Quit Here!

The Good Dad Project

Let's face it, being a dad is tough work. I have three children of my own (and one on the way) and I have yet to master the art of fatherhood.

Larry Hagner, founder of the Good Dad Project, and Shawn Stevenson break down common challenges of fatherhood and make them easy to understand and overcome. Tackling the world of fatherhood can be a daunting task when we try to do it alone.

The mission of The Good Dad Project is to help you become the best, strongest, and happiest version of yourself so that you can help guide your kids to the best version of themselves.

Listen to The Good Dad Project here!

The New Man

How has masculinity changed over the years? It's hard to define but we all know it has.

The New Man strives to take you beyond the Macho Jerk and the New Age Wimp so often portrayed in the media.

Tripp Lanier covers the topics guys are hungry to explore but typically only discuss after a few beers. Each podcast consists of real world, practical advice so guys can rise above mediocrity and live a life of purpose and meaning.

Topics include relationships, sex, dating, career, money, power, overcoming fear, fitness, inner game, lifestyle design, and spirituality.

Listen to The New Man here!

The Stephen Mansfield Podcast

Stephen Mansfield's podcast will get you thinking.

He covers a broad array of current events from the date-rape culture we're currently facing to commentary on the political climate we find ourselves in.

Stephen Mansfield is a New York Times bestselling author of many books including The Faith of George W. Bush, The Search for God and Guinness, Lincoln's Battle With God, Mansfield's Book of Manly Men (a must-read for every man), and The Miracle of the Kurds.

Listen to The Stephen Mansfield Podcast here!

Unbeatable Mind Podcast

Retired Navy SEAL Commander, Mark Divine. What more do I need to say?

Mark Divine, the founder of SEALfit and host of The Unbeatable Mind Podcast takes you along his 5 mountain training path of developing your mental, physical, emotional, intuitive, and Kokoro (Heart) self.

I've enjoyed listening to Mark's real-life practical advice so much that I ask him to be a guest on our show which you can find here.

He shared the power of silence, meditation, and the mind.

Listen to The Unbeatable Mind Podcast here!

Wealth Building Podcasts

Good Financial Cents

The thing I like most about Good Financial Cents is that Jeff Rose is a Certified Financial Planner with over 10 years of real world financial planning experience. He is also a best-selling author and Iraqi Combat Veteran.

He has successfully launched several money movements including The Money Uprising Movement and The Roth IRA Movement.

Each week Jeff strives to give people the tools and resources they need to achieve financial freedom in their lives.

Listen to The Good Financial Cents Podcast here!

Listen Money Matters

This show is honest, uncensored and is not your father’s boring finance show.

Each week, Listen Money Matters brings much needed ACTIONABLE advice to a generation that hates being lectured about personal finance from the out-of-touch one percent.

Andrew and Thomas are relatable, funny, and brash. Their down-to-earth discussions about money are entertaining whether you’re a financial whiz or just starting out.

Listen to Listen Money Matters Here!

Radical Personal Finance

Joshua Sheats reveals all of his best ideas for personal financial planning, saving money, and achieving financial independence.

In Radical Personal Finance you'll discover how you can lower your tax bill, cut your expenses without sacrificing your lifestyle, and significantly increase your time and freedom to live the life you love through a greater knowledge and understanding of all aspects of personal finance and money management.

From the basic, foundational ideas and knowledge to the advanced and highly technical, you will learn how to win with money.

Listen to Radical Personal Finance here!


Stacking Benjamins
stacking-benjamins shares a quirky mix of "A-List" guests including David Bach, Jean Chatzky, Sharon Lechter and Ric Edelman.

You'll find insights and round-table discussions on current financial trends, statistics and techniques you've not yet discovered.

And, the hosts of Stacking Benjamins, Joe & OG, are joined weekly by award-winning top financial writers and bloggers.

Listen to Stacking Benjamins Podcast here!

Well Kept Wallet

The Well Kept Wallet Podcast with Deacon Hayes is all about getting you from where you are to where you want to be when it comes to your career, money and lifestyle.

In this podcast, Deacon will interview people from all different types of careers who love what they do for a living. The goal is to help you in your search to find a job that you love.

You'll learn tips on how to achieve your goals in life when it comes to your career, money and lifestyle.

Listen to Well Kept Wallet here!

Fitness & Nutrition Podcasts

Barbell Shrugged

Barbell Shrugged, the #1 rated fitness and nutrition podcast, provides training programs for athletes and education for strength and conditioning coaches.

You'll find a new episode every Wednesday packed with actionable fitness and nutrition takeaways.

You'll also have the opportunity to join the Barbell Shrugged crew in conversations about fitness, training, and frequent interviews w/ CrossFit Games athletes!

Listen to Barbell Shrugged Podcast here!

Ben Greenfield Fitness

Free exercise, nutrition, weight loss, triathlon and wellness advice is what you'll find on Ben Greenfield Fitness.

Tune in to the latest health, fitness and multi-sport research, non run-of-the-mill interviews with exercise and medicine professionals, and new cutting-edge content from the top personal trainer and wellness coach in the nation.

This podcast includes fitness, nutrition, health, diet, wellness, workout, exercise, triathlon, Ironman, swimming, cycling, running, weight lifting, bodybuilding, Crossfit, Paleo, vegan, vegetarian, muscle gain and fat loss advice from America's top personal trainer.

Listen to Ben Greenfield Fitness here!

Fat Burning Man

Abel James with Fat-Burning Man answers your fitness and nutrition questions and interviews leaders in alternative health, Paleo, and natural wellness.

You'll learn the most successful secrets about losing fat, building muscle, and upgrading your health.

Fat Burning man is the winner of 4 awards podcast awards and is ranked #1 in Health in 8+ countries.

Listen to Fat-Burning Man here!

Rich Roll Podcast

The goal of the Rich Roll Podcast is to unlock your best self!

Rich Roll, ultra-athlete and author of two #1 bestsellers delves deep into all things wellness with some of the brightest and most forward thinking, paradigm busting minds in health, fitness, nutrition, creativity, entrepreneurship & spirituality.

Topics include general health, food policy & politics, fitness, environmentalism and sustainable lifestyle practices, meditation, yoga, mindfulness, and spirituality.

Rich's goal is simple: to educate, inspire and empower YOU to discover, unlock & unleash your best, most authentic self.

Listen to The Rich Roll Podcast here!

Spartan Up

Joe Desena, founder & CEO of Spartan Race and NY Times best-selling author, travels the globe seeking and answers from experts like Sir Richard Branson, Steve Pressfield, Tim Ferris and many more on the Spartan Up Podcast.

Joe’s interviews with authors, academics, athletes, adventurers, CEOs and thought leaders will shift your thinking, make you laugh and and give you the tools you need to succeed.

He’s on a mission to find the secrets to success in all aspects of life.

Listen to the Spartan Up Podcast here!

The Model Health Show

The Model Health Show is a fun, entertaining, and enlightening look at health and fitness.

World-renown author and nutritionist Shawn Stevenson breaks down complex health issues and makes them easy to understand and overcome.

Whether it's weight loss, chronic fatigue, heart disease, diet, exercise, sex, hormones, sleep problems, or countless other health topics, the insights you get here will help you transform your health and live your best life ever.

Listen to The Model Health Show here!

Self-Development Podcasts

Steal the Show

Whether it's a Speech, job interview, or deal-closing pitch, do you know the best way to handle yourself in the spotlight?

Steal the Show offers a fast track to the skill-set that will enable you to engage your listeners, manage your nerves, and give your message maximum impact in every situation, every time.

Michael Port, a New York Times bestselling author of 6 books, a top-rated corporate speaker, and former professional actor shares insights and strategies that will help you succeed in any presentation.

Listen to Steal the Show here!

Learning Leader

Leaders are learners.

The best leaders never stop working to make themselves better. That’s why the Learning Leader Show exists, to get together and understand the journeys of successful leaders, so that we can better understand our own.

This show is full of personal stories of successes, failures, and lessons learned along the way. Guests include best-selling authors, entrepreneurs, athletes, and entertainers.

You can hear my conversation with Ryan Hawk, host of The Learning Leader Show here.

Listen to The Learning Leader Show here!

The MFCEO Project

This is not your traditional educational podcast. The MFCEO Project is for anyone who is sick of the status quo of  pursuing goals and profiting in business.

In this podcast, Andy Frisella and his guests share insights on success and failure, in straight up fashion.

Andy is motivated by a desire to help people to succeed in business and life, “to get them moving in the right direction to achieve their business and personal goals, whatever they may be.”

Listen to The MFCEO Project here!

This is Your Life

This Is Your Life with New York Times best-selling author, Michael Hyatt, is a weekly podcast dedicated to intentional leadership.

The goal is to help you live with more passion, work with greater focus, and lead with extraordinary influence.

Each week Michael discusses how you can be a better leader in your community, in your home, and in your life.

Listen to This is Your Life Here!

Entertainment Podcasts


Serial is a podcast from the creators of This American Life, hosted by Sarah Koenig.

One of the most download and fastest growing podcast in existence, Serial unfolds one true story over the course of a whole season. The show follows the plot and characters wherever they lead, through many surprising twists and turns. Sarah won't know what happens at the end of the story until she gets there, not long before you get there with her.

Each week she'll bring you the latest chapter, so it's important to listen in, starting with Episode 1.

Listen to Serial here!

The Cracked Podcast

The Cracked Podcast is a hilarious extension of the editorial team's discussions that shape the brilliant articles and sketches on Cracked.

Cohosts Jack O'Brien and Michael Swaim, along with an impressive roster of guests, use the platform to identify and dissect pop culture tropes and debunk commonly held myths.

You'll enjoy the mix of humor, satire, and wit as the Cracked podcast team share insights into some of the oddest inventions, political climates, and cultural events.

Listen to The Crack Podcast here!

The Joe Rogan Experience

The Joe Rogan Experience is a long form conversation hosted by comedian, UFC color commentator, and actor Joe Rogan.

Joe Rogan's friends and guests have included comedians, actors, musicians, MMA instructors and commentators, authors, artists, and porn stars. With the broad diversity of guests, you're bound to learn something new.

An extremely successful podcast, The Joe Rogan Experience was voted the Best Comedy Podcast of 2012 on iTunes.

Listen to The Joe Rogan Experience here!

The Nerdist

The Nerdist Podcast is basically Chris Hardwick talking about stuff and things with his two nerdy friends Jonah Ray and Matt Mira.

They cover a broad array of topics including books, comedy, comics, films, food, and games.

If you're interested in learning about nothing and everything all in the same episode, then this is the podcast for you!

Listen to The Nerdist Podcast here!

WTF with Marc Maron

Comedian Marc Maron is tackling the most complex philosophical question of our day- WTF? He'll get to the bottom of it with help from comedian friends, celebrity guests and the voices in his own head.

Among the most popular podcast today, Marc Maron has interviewed many notable guests, most recently President Barack Obama. Regardless of what you think of Obama's politics, landing the leader of the free world as a guest on your show speaks volumes about the credibility of this show.

Listen to WTF here!

Educational Podcasts

American Military History

The American Military History Podcast is dedicated to telling the story of American history through the eyes of it's military men and women.

Starting with the Revolutionary War they'll cover military engagements through present day, as well as taking a few stops along the way to learn about the history of each of the branches of the American Military (Army, Navy, Marines, Air Force.

An added bonus: Any donations made to this podcast will be shared with the Wounded Warrior Project.

Listen to The American Military History Podcast here!

Freakonomics Radio

Listen to Freakonomics Radio and have fun discovering the hidden side of everything with host Stephen J. Dubner, co-author of the best-selling "Freakonomics” books.

Each week, hear surprising conversations that explore the riddles of everyday life and the weird wrinkles of human nature, from cheating and crime to parenting and sports.

Dubner talks with Nobel laureates and provocateurs, social scientists and entrepreneurs.

After just a few episodes, this podcast will have you too thinking like a Freak.

Listen to Freakonomics Radio here!

Stuff You Should Know

Impress your friends with your knowledge of the manliest of skills and information to the most completely useless facts known to man.

In every episode of Stuff You Should Know you'll learn something new such as "How do landfills work" and  "How do mosquitos work."

Join Josh and Chuck as they explore the Stuff You Should Know about everything from genes to the Galapagos in this podcast.

Listen to Stuff You Should Know here!

The James Altutcher Show

James Altucher is a successful entrepreneur, investor, board member, and the writer of 11 books including the recent WSJ Bestseller, "Choose Yourself!" He has started and sold several companies for eight figure exits. He's on the board of a billion revenue company, has written for The Financial Times, The New York Observer, and over a dozen popular websites for the past 15 years. He's run several hedge funds, venture capital funds, and is a successful angel investor in technology, energy, and biotech.

In this podcast, you'll learn how he did it and gain new insights into his mind and some of the most pressing cultural events we are dealing with today.

Listen to The James Altutcher Show here!

Entrepreneurial Podcasts

Entrepreneur of FireEntrepreneur On Fire is a podcast created for Serial Entrepreneurs, Side-Preneurs, or Small Business Owners.

If you are looking for inspiration, motivation, and ACTIONABLE advice during your daily commute, workout, or "me" time, John Lee Dumas delivers 7-days a week. Each episode brings you a successful Entrepreneur who shares their journey, their failures, AH-HA moments, successes, and much more.

Each episode ends with THE LIGHTNING ROUND where John extracts priceless resources and action steps for you.

Listen to Entrepreneur on Fire here!

Outlier on Air

Are you an Outlier?

Join Ever Gonzalez 5 days a week as he interviews founders, disruptors and mavens who are breaking the status quo and changing the world!

Listen in as these entreprenerial leaders share a behind-the-scenes view of their personal journey to success and insights into what has worked and what hasn't.

Be part of a one-on-one mentoring session where we discuss specific business strategies.

Listen to Outlier on Air here!

ProBloggerThe ProBlogger Podcast is designed to help you build a better blog.

With a mix of teaching, case studies and actionable challenges, Darren Rowse will teach you to create compelling content, find readers for your blog, deepen the engagement you have with those readers and to make money through a variety of income streams so that you can sustain your blogging.

Darren has been been blogging since 2002 and making a full time living from his blogs for over a decade. If you’re looking to take your blogs to the next level and make money online, this is the podcast for you.

Listen to ProBlogger here!

School of GreatnessThe goal of the School of Greatness Podcast is designed to share inspiring stories from the most brilliant business minds, world class athletes and influential celebrities on the planet

Each week Lewis Howes, author, athlete, and keynote speaker, has conversations with successful men and women all over the world to help you find out what makes great people great.

Lewis is a great interviewer and is able to get more actionable information from his guests than the best interviewers around.

Listen to The School of Greatness here!

Smart Passive IncomePat Flynn from The Smart Passive Income Blog reveals all of his online business and blogging strategies, income sources and killer marketing tips and tricks so you can be ahead of the curve with your online business or blog.

Discover how you can create multiple passive income streams that work for you so that you can have the time and freedom to do what you love, whether it's traveling the world, or just living comfortably at home.

You'll learn about automation, outsourcing, search engine optimization, building authority and trust, social media, podcasting, everything that works (and doesn't work) to help you better understand how to crush it with your online business.

Listen to Smart Passive Income here!

The SMART Business RevolutionNamed one of the "Top 10 Podcasts for Entrepreneurs to Learn Personal Finance From" by Inc. Magazine and "Top 100 Small Business Podcasts 2014" by Small Biz Trends, The Smart Business Revolution Podcast is a must-listen.

Former Clinton White House Writer John Corcoran shows you how to build relationships intelligently to get more clients, grow your income and advance your career.

You'll discover how you can use win-win networking and intentional relationship-building with Influencers and VIPs, even if you "hate networking" or feel like you have "nothing to offer" people who are successful.

Listen to The SMART Business Revolution here!

The Time Ferriss ShowTim Ferriss is a self-experimenter and bestselling author, best known for The 4-Hour Workweek.

Newsweek calls him "the world's best human guinea pig," and The New York Times calls him "a cross between Jack Welch and a Buddhist monk."

In this show, he deconstructs world-class performers from eclectic areas (investing, chess, pro sports, etc.), digging deep to find the tools, tactics, and tricks that listeners can use.

Listen to The Tim Ferriss Show here!

Step 3: The Follow-Through

Needless to say that is a pretty in-depth list of the podcasts I would recommend you listen to. If that doesn't get you started, I don't know what will.

At this point, you may be asking yourself, "where do I go from here?" I'm glad you asked.

You'll now want to begin customizing your "playlist" of podcasts to listen to. Here are 3 additional steps you'll want to implement in order to make this a successful experience of learning.

  1. Search for new content: New podcast are being released each and every day and some experienced podcasts are being sent to the graveyard. Both iTunes and Stitcher make it easy to find new content. You'll want to continue to explore and customize your learning experience. Remember iTunes and Stitcher Radio are search engines so use keywords in the search feature you're interested in.
  2. Subscribe to great shows and ditch the rest: You'll have the option to subscribe to the shows you really enjoy in both apps. If you stumble across a show you really like, subscribing will ensure you never miss an episode. The subscription option allows a new show to be automatically downloaded to your "feed."
  3. Rate and Review the shows you love: A lot of you will have a desire to help the hosts of your favorite shows and what better way than to leave your rating and review. I can tell you, as a podcast host myself, that a honest and sincere rating and review goes a long way in reminding me why I started the podcast in the first place. Not only will you feel great about leaving your thanks but your ratings and reviews help that particular show gain more visibility for others to find. (I'd be honored if you'd leave a rating and review for our show, Order of Man, which you can do here.

There you have it guys! Three easy steps for listening to podcasts. The best way to learn is to get in there, dig around, and explore. Once you do, you'll soon see how easy it is to tap into the power of the world's most successful, entertaining, and gifted people on the planet.

We've all heard there is power in a mentor. I believe that is true and have several personal mentors in my life. However, it would literally costs you thousands if not hundreds-of-thousands of dollars to access the minds of those who host and are interviewed through this incredible medium of learning.

Happy listening!

136: Lewis Howes | The Mask of Masculinity

Recognizing that we, as men, wear masks might just be one of the most difficult self-evaluation processes we can go through. It's difficult because sometimes we've been wearing a mask for so long that it actually becomes part of who we are and how we define ourselves.

My guest today, New York Times Bestselling Author Lewis Howes, joins me to talk about why men are failing so many benchmarks, how to recognize and confront what is holding you back, why the masks we wear hinder our personal growth, and the 9 masks of masculinity.

[quote cite='Lewis Howes' align='none']"My achievements didn't bring me the fulfillment, intamcy, love, and connection I wanted." Tweet That[/quote]

Lewis Howes

Lewis HowesMy guest today is New York Times Bestselling Author, Mr Lewis Howes.

I know a ton of you are already familiar with his work and what he's up to with his own company and podcast (which is listened to millions of times per month), The School of Greatness.

We had Lewis on the show a while back but since then, he has released his newest book, The Mask of Masculinity.

What I enjoyed a lot about this book is that Lewis really pulled back the curtain in his own life and you can tell by the way he's analyzed who he is and what makes him tick that this is a process he doesn't just talk about, this is a process that he's actually gone through and uncovered for himself.

Lewis Howes had a lot of success as a professional athlete (which hints at the mask he was wearing) only to find himself injured and wondering how he could redefine himself and tap into who he really is.

Gentlemen, gear up, prepare to challenge some thoughts about who you are, and let's unpack the idea of the mask of masculinity.

[quote cite='Lewis Howes' align='none']"There's 9 different masks men where and I've worn them all at some point in my life." Tweet That[/quote]

Show Highlights

[quote cite='Lewis Howes' align='none']"It's powerful when a man is able to assess ANY situation." Tweet That[/quote]


The Iron Council

Gentlemen, as we talk about discipline today, I want to make a quick mention of our exclusive brotherhood, The Iron Council.

We talk a lot about accountability in the group and how powerful it can be. But more powerful than that are the tools and resources you'll be tapping into to develop more discipline in your life.

As much as I'd like you to be a lifelong member, I'd rather you pick up the tools and skills to go out into the world on your own and lead your family, your business, your community, and life.

We've developed a Quick Start Guide to get you up and running quickly and have built a program that will walk you through everything you need to create your own 90-day Battle Plan. This plan will help you identify objectives and narrow down the tactics to ensure you complete these objectives.

If you want to learn more and claim your seat in The Iron Council, you can do so at www.orderofman.com/ironcouncil.

[quote cite='Lewis Howes' align='none']"When we are wearing a mask, we're never able to get into a 'flow state.' We're forcing at that point." Tweet That[/quote]

Connect with Lewis Howes

[quote cite='Lewis Howes' align='none']"It's a huge risk to take off the mask you've been wearing for so long." Tweet That[/quote]

Save Your Relationship by Becoming a Better Man

How far would you go to save the relationship with the woman you love?

There’s a lot of relationship advice out there preaching the need for better communication. That makes sense. After all, without communication a relationship can fall apart quickly.

What most of this advice misses is the need for personal growth to make that communication work. When our inner voice is weak, whatever we do communicate is going to project our insecurities.

Bettering ourselves improves all of our relationships. It’s also how you can save your relationship from a break up. When things are on the brink of collapse, it’s time to turn inwards.

Sorting out our own shortcomings is the long term solution to the challenges we face in life. It’s how you can be a better man for her, and for yourself.

The following advice (in part) comes from an interview with Ryan and Myself.

Personal Responsibility

One of the key ingredients for any self improvement is personal responsibility. Without it, all efforts are futile.

Blaming others for anything in life means giving our own power away. Even when something isn’t our fault, focusing on what someone else did prevents moving forward.

[quote cite='Ryan Michler' align='none']Four years into our marriage, we went through a separation and, for a long time, I blamed her and how she wasn't being a good wife. I came to the conclusion it wasn't all her fault. Surprise, surprise! I actually had something to do with this. So I really went to work on myself and I stopped blaming her and focused on the only thing that I can control - myself.[/quote]

When saving a relationship, start with personal responsibility. The blame game prevents anything from getting done, and is poison for the soul.

It Takes two to be in a Relationship, but...

So how do we divide responsibility in a relationship?

[quote cite='Ryan Michler' align='none']I'm always shocked and a little surprised when I hear a man say, "Well, it takes two to be in a relationship. She probably had something to do with it." Yes, I certainly agree with that. But, here's the deal: I can't control her. I can't change her. I can't make her do or believe or behave a certain way. All that I can do is focus on myself and hope that she's gonna respond positively.[/quote]

We don’t. If we try to divide personal responsibility we give the whole cow away! Not your wife, it’s an expression…

In any case:

This goes right back to personal responsibility. We can’t control our partners actions, but we can set a positive example.  This means taking full responsibility for the outcomes of our relationships.

If you want to save your relationship then take 100% responsibility for it. The example you set will create a standard which will influence your partner. That’s what a leader does.

We’re all social mirrors

The way people react to us is often a mirror of our own behavior. Where I live, I hear people talking about how ‘cold’ people are here. How everyone is so unfriendly or shy - This is odd to me because it’s not my experience.

I get smiles and meet friendly, helpful people all of the time. That’s because of how I treat others. I don’t expect them to treat me well first. Instead, I extend my hand in friendship without expecting anything in return.

The same people who complain about others being unfriendly walk around with scowls on their faces.

[quote cite='Ryan Michler' align='none']Ninety-nine per cent of the time, a woman is going to respond positively to you becoming a better man. Just like ninety-nine per cent of the time a man will respond positively to his wife becoming a better woman.[/quote]

Whether it’s in dating, our relationships, or even our finances, if something is wrong we should look in the mirror before blaming anyone else.

Focusing on Yourself is Attractive

A buddy of mine was on the road to divorce: his marriage was not working out and depression was creeping in.

So what did he do?

He started focusing on himself.

He didn’t beg his wife to reconcile. He also didn’t let the depression and fear of losing his marriage control him.

Instead, he focused on his business, his health and diet, and his hobbies. All of a sudden, she started becoming attracted to him again.

Women are attracted to men who can carry themselves. Having our own personal interest feeds the soul. When we focus on our own lives as a separate entity from our relationships, we allow ourselves room to grow.

When our partners see this, they become attracted to the positive energy we project. Just as neediness tends to repel people, independance attracts them.

Recharging Your Masculine Energy

The people around us feed off our energy.

If you're negative or depressed, other people are going feel depressed around you. If you're high energy or positive, other people are going to feel good around you.

When we deplete our masculine energy we don’t have any fuel left for our relationship.

Our partners feed off of our masculine energy just as we feed off of their feminine energy. Maintaining that polarity keeps the balance. It’s the glue that keeps us together, and without it things fall apart.

Ryan puts it well:

“We each have energy; we have this physical energy that we bring to the relationship. So what I see a lot of the time is men will get into a relationship with their wife, their girlfriend, whatever it may be - and they'll immediately start neglecting other elements of their lives.

The first thing to go is their friends. The next thing to go is their hobbies. And the next thing to go is their physical health.

When we get rid of those three things, what we end up doing is eliminating our source of energy as men in a relationship. Because we no longer have a way to provide our own masculine energy to the relationship, which is what she's looking for, what ends up happening is that we ask her to provide it.

Not only the feminine energy, we ask her to provide the masculine energy too. Then we hear things like, "My wife is no longer attracted to me." "The spark is not there." "We're not in love anymore."

Yeah, because you're not bringing anything to the relationship and she doesn't need you!

The first thing any man can do if he's struggling in a relationship like this, is to find a way to recharge. Find a way to provide your own energy. When you start to provide your own energy, your woman, your wife, your girlfriend, whoever, will start to recognize it. She can see it. ‘Oh, oh, look at Ryan. He's got energy! He has the masculine energy that me, as a woman, needs in my life. I'm attracted to that.’

Then we can rekindle that spark. This works for men as well as it does for women.”

Why Men Shouldn’t Let Themselves Go

Ryan: "This is how it goes: women are generally better at providing their own energy because they usually are a lot better at doing things for themselves. Not to be selfish, but to take care of themselves.

They'll go out with their girlfriends and pamper themselves, doing things that they need to have this energy. But guys usually give it up.

This is the trap: they give it up for noble reasons like, "I don't have time because I'm busy at work providing for the family," or "I don't have time because I've got my kids' sports' team that I'm coaching." So, they give all of this up because they say that they're taking care of their family, but you can only do that for so long.

Learn to take care of yourself. Give yourself some space. Give yourself some margins. Too many men just stack up their days. They have no time for themselves. I'm not talking about things like sitting around on the couch and being lazy, watching TV or a movie.

I'm talking about doing things deliberately and intentionally that are gonna uplift you and then communicating effectively with your wife. Letting her know that I'm doing this becuz I need to recharge and when I'm recharged, I can come back to the relationship with more energy. More passion, more drive and more focus and clarity in making this thing work between us."

Being the man in your relationship

I consulted a man who was married to a woman who had an A-type personality. She was ambitious, had her own business and liked doing things for herself.

Their ten-year marriage ended in divorce.

When it ended, she told him directly why things fell apart. She lost her attraction for him because she felt like she was “wearing the pants” in their relationship.

Even though she was this ambitious woman, in their relationship she wanted him to be the man. In his mind he thought he could ‘take the back seat’ because she was independant. Obviously, she could handle everything on her own.

He didn't realize that this doesn't work well in a relationship. There needs to be polarity between the masculine and feminine. Him taking the backseat forced her to take on the masculine role.

As Ryan puts it:

“If the wife is providing all the masculine energy, she doesn't need you, physically and emotionally, or mentally in her life because she's doing it all. If we don't need each other, what's the point of having each other around?

I know that doesn't sound doesn't sound nice, but that's the reality. If she doesn't need me and I'm not valuable in some way, there's no point to me being around and visa versa.”

Final Notes

In the end, it’s all about owning yourself, and controling the only thing you can; your actions.

Although other factors can come into play, we should always look at ourselves first when things are going badly.

Maybe she isn’t right for you, maybe she’s the one with the bad character. Even if that’s the case, we choose our partners. If we chose someone with bad character, that reflects directly on us.

Why did we choose to be with someone who isn’t good for us?

I know from personal experience: I’ve picked some of the worst possible relationships in the past.

They taught me that there was a weakness in my own character. That’s why I kept ending up in the same toxic relationships. The pain from my failures forced me to look in the mirror.

When my character changed, the problem fixed itself.